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Measurements on the move

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Forbes: EyeNetra Wants To Create Prescription Virtual Reality Screens

Smarter lenses

EyeNetra opens sales of its smartphone-based tools to ECPs

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Blink, Offering Vision Tests On-Demand, Launches In New York

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A Smartphone Eye Exam Service Launches in New York

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CNN, THE BIG I: NETRA Cheap, Portable Eye Exam System

Smart vision for mobile phones in the developing world.

How mHealth Can Bring Cheaper Health Care To All

PerfectSight uses cell phone to diagnose eyeglass prescriptions

When Smartphones Do a Doctor’s Job

Where Eye Care Is A Luxury, Technology Offers Access

[...] The Winners Of Morgenthaler’s Health Tech Startup Showcase

MIT Researchers Develop Ultra-Cheap, Smartphone-Based Eye Exam Tool

New Smartphone Tool Assists Diagnosis Of Cataracts

Cell Phones as Eye Doctors